Lipscomb University
Oct 17, 2023
Mission Statement
Our Vision:
Anchored in our Christ-centered mission, Lipscomb University will lead as a top-tier, nationally recognized institution.
We will excel in teaching, learning and research; be ambitious in our service to others; and be driven by continuous
Our Mission:
We are a Christ-centered community preparing learners for purposeful lives through rigorous academics and transformative experiences.
Our Core Tenets:
We are a community engaged with the life and teachings of Jesus. We are committed to an ongoing search for truth.
We provide excellent, whole-person learning experiences to shape lives of character, leadership, service and faith. We
equip people to succeed in their vocation and contribute to the common good by living out their faith in action.
Our Goals:
Goal 1: Provide a premier, learner-focused
Christian education
Goal 2: Promote and develop spiritual growth and
transformation across our community
Goal 3: Recruit, support, retain and graduate students
with the tools for a purposeful life
Goal 4: Build a culture of diversity, equity and belonging
where people thrive as image-bearers of God
Goal 5: Expand our engagement, influence and impact
by forging deep connections with communities,
organizations and alumni
Goal 6: Empower and sustain a culture of
effectiveness, efficiency, collaboration and
financial strength across our community