Jul 16, 2019 | All Alumni, News
Thanks to Sydney Ball (YLC/Williamson Chamber Class 2016) for sharing First Citizens National Bank’s community-based, financial literacy initiative, Smart Women, to help promote financial wellness. This month’s program is “Financial Fraud: Take Charge & Prevent” and is being offered at two different days and times (with the same content and speaker) on Monday, July 22, 11:30am-1pm (lunch will be provided) at FiftyForward Martin Center in Brentwood or Tuesday, July 23, 7:30am-9am (breakfast will be provided) at DataBlue in Maryland Farms. RSVP for the July 22 lunch at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/smart-women-financial-fraud-ta… or for the July 23 breakfast at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/smart-women-financial-fraud-ta…. For more information, call (615) 550-2222 or email SmartWomenMidTN@FirstCNB.com.

Jul 15, 2019 | Nonprofit News, Williamson Chamber Alumni
Are you a young professional between the ages of 25-40, who lives, works or does business in Williamson County, and looking for an opportunity to take your community service to the next level? For the seventh consecutive year, YLC will be partnering with Williamson, Inc. to offer nonprofit board leadership training on 11 consecutive Thursdays, September 12-November 21 from 8-10:30am at Williamson Inc.’s office in Cool Springs. After learning crucial skills needed for today’s nonprofit leadership roles, graduates will serve a one-year internship on a self-selected local nonprofit board to put these newfound skills into action. Young professionals interested in applying should do so online here by JULY 20 to be eligible for the 2019 class. The participation fee is $550. Be a part of the premier organization for training nonprofit board leaders with more than 2,600 graduates making a difference since 1985. Will we see YOU pictured with the YLC/Williamson Chamber graduates later this year?

Graduates of YLC/Williamson Chamber Class 2017
Jul 15, 2019 | All Alumni, News
The Sunday, July 14 print issue of The Tennessean published the names of the graduates of YLC Class 72 in People in Business. 
Jul 13, 2019 | All Alumni, Nonprofit News
The Dancing Divas and Dudes was started in Nashville as the first nonprofit dance team for individuals with special needs. Each team member has the opportunity to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally at practices while learning a variety of dance genres. The nonprofit plays a crucial role in erasing the stigma that individuals with special needs take away from society, and proving they contribute. The Dancing Divas and Dudes is looking for board members with law, marketing, strategic planning or fine arts skills. If interested, contact president Elizabeth Pistole at president@dancingdivasanddudes.org or (615) 509-3922. Learn more about the nonprofit here.

Jul 11, 2019 | All Alumni
Dr. Trish Holliday (Class 26), Assistant Commissioner and State Chief Learning Officer at the Tennessee Department of Human Resources, is the featured “Women of Influence” in the July 5 issue of Nashville Business Journal. Awarded in the Inspiration/Mentor category earlier this year, Trish offers the following career advice about the benefits of directly asking for “responsibility, higher position and/or a raise,” by saying “I learned quickly that not advocating for myself made me dependent on someone else always having to champion me,” And the value of networking: “Sometimes I think we are so busy with juggling personal lives with family along with career responsibilities, our schedules seem too tight [and] we rob ourselves of the opportunities that building a large network of relationships can offer.” If you have a digital subscription, you can read Trish’s responses here, including what she learned from her first job, that she still uses today.